Author : Joan Carles Bellviure
ISBN: 978-84-606-5483-4.
Legal deposit : PM 67-2015
Publication: 2015
Price: € 12.
An eccentric vodevil. An eccentric room in a special hotel. The specialization of watchmaking opens up an uncertain path. The uncertainty accompanies a lone client who brings with him the possibility of ending a totalitarian regime. The client is called Z, casually as the last letter of the alphabet, as the last opportunity to change. The change is the smile. The smile is the revolution and laughter, freedom.
ISBN: 978-84-606-5483-4.
Legal deposit : PM 67-2015
Publication: 2015
Price: € 12.
An eccentric vodevil. An eccentric room in a special hotel. The specialization of watchmaking opens up an uncertain path. The uncertainty accompanies a lone client who brings with him the possibility of ending a totalitarian regime. The client is called Z, casually as the last letter of the alphabet, as the last opportunity to change. The change is the smile. The smile is the revolution and laughter, freedom.